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Monday 13 July 2009

Fun In The Sun

Yesterday our family headed to Sturgeon Lake for the afternoon/evening. We had left the boat docked there the night before. The water was warm and the sun was blazing so it was the perfect day to head to the beach for some swimming and tubing.

Brittany was the first to hit the water on the tub. A little while later she took Rocco for a ride on the tube.

Meagan was next to ride the waves of the lake.
Then it was Mike's turn to ride the waves.

After all that Meagan and Brittany decided to try riding double in the tube. It was as much fun watching them ride as it was for them riding.

After everyone was done tubing for the day, the girls and Rocco headed back home while Al, Mike and I stayed at the lake and fished for a couple of hours. We caught 3 Jack Fish which 2 were released back to the lake as they were too small to keep.

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