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Christmas Countdown Widget

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Stay Off the Roads.......

It's now youngest now has her drivers licence. Meagan has discovered the new found freedom of having a drivers licence. Not only is it a new found freedom for her but also for her dad and I.

The day before her road test I took Meagan to practice her parallel parking......last time she had done that was when she took Drivers Education. She had never parallel parked my car before.....she did awesome....I even had Meagan practice parallel parking on the drivers Central Avenue being the only One Way Street in PA they may have her do her parallel park on drivers side. She lucked out didn't have to do a drivers side parallel park

With both my girls driving I will never see my car........they are always finding a way to get the car....but mom this way you won't have to come to town and pick me up after work.....Please just for today Please......

So beware there is a new driver on the road......get off the roads while you can..... hehehehe

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